Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Goose Goes To School

It looks like the Towson Times was right when they wrote that Flightless Goose “has lessons to teach.” Flightless Goose proved it last week with a day full of lessons for elementary school kids.

That’s because Gilbert was invited for a full-day of readings, lessons, and discussions about the book, Flightless Goose, at Meadow Hall Elementary School in Montgomery County.

Author Eric D. Goodman and Illustrator Natailya A. Goodman arrived to find their names in lights on the marquee in front of the school, a prime parking spot reserved for them, and a warm welcome from the principal, secretary, reading specialist, and teachers. Then, they got to work – having fun and sharing their book and message.

Flightless Goose was presented to each grade (K-5) followed by age-appropriate discussions, lessons, and activities. They talked about such lessons from the book as treating others with respect and dignity, not making fun of others, everyone having potential regardless of differences, and not playing near roads. With older kids, we also discussed what it was like to be an author and artist.

The children were enthusiastic, attentive, and really latched onto the book and the messages. They were mesmerized by the pictures and fervently talked about the book and what they liked about it and learned from it.

The adults seemed excited about the event too. Here’s what the principal had to say to his “shout out” on the Principal’s Page newsletter after the event: “We are very pleased and excited about the opportunity MHES had to meet and work with Mr. Eric D. Goodman and Mrs. Nataliya A. Goodman, author and illustrator of the Flightless Goose. Throughout the day, all students attended workshops that gave them the chance to read, write, illustrate, and reflect on what it means to be a good writer. Thank you to Mrs. Moser for arranging this wonderful day for our students.”

In their newsletter, the Meadow Hall PTA described the event as “extremely exciting” They went on to say, “There is no better way to get the kids excited about reading and writing than to hear from the author directly.”

Although the Goodmans and the goose have done readings and events before, such as the Festival of Trees, this was their first day-long, in-school event. After an exhilarating day, they're ready for the next one.

Learn more about the school event by visiting the brochure Meadow Hall’s reading specialist, Marlene Moser, put together.

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